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Neukum Red

Liebefunkenmann SS-10

Liebefunkenmann SS-30

Old Faithful

PluckMelster Ltd Edition


Chimeway Emperor

Moore and Woode Grand Piano

Rektek Karaoke Machine

SimPhonic DJ Master Deck

Chimeway Princess

SimPhonic Keytar

Smoothie's Saxaphone

Limelight Mic Stand

Fearless Snake Charming Kit

Leopold's Lute

Grabit 500 Mic and Stand

Simphonic Electric Guitar

Parsley's Classic Guitar


名称 NeukumRed
費用&Lv 350 Simoleons
設置材料 -
Drop Muse, Amplifier, Guitar Pick, Guitar String
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Practice Guitar Scales - - 5 actions 12
Practice Guitar Arpeggios 1 - 6 actions 13
Play Simple Guitar Etude 2 2 Muse 8 actions 14
Practice Flamenco Technique 3 2 Love, 1 Muse 8 actions 14
Play Guitar Concerto 4 1 Muse, 1 Plans 8 actions 15
Compose Simple Guitar Etude 5 1 Muse, 1 Guitar String 10 actions 16
Compose Cheesy Infomercial Music 6 2 Cheese, 2 Muse 6 actions 17
Compose TV Commercial Music 7 1 Guitar String, 1 Muse 7 & 8 actions 18
Compose Flamenco Song 9 4 Love, 2 Fury, 2 Muse 8 & 12 actions 19
Compose Guiatar Concerto 11 2 Guitar String, 2 Love, 3 Muse 8, 16 & 24 actions 20

名称 Liebefunkenmann SS-10
費用&Lv 100 Simoleons - Lv10
設置材料 -
Drop Muse, Metronome, Sheet Music, Groove
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Practice Chords 10 - 5 actions 15
Practice Simple Melody 11 9 Muse 6 actions 16
Play Choral Music 13 1 Muse, 8 Goodwill 8 17
Play Web Game Song 14 3 Chords, 2 Plans, 1 Muse 6 18
Play 80s Tribute Song 15 3 Cheese, 3 Amplifier, 1 Muse 6 actions 19
Play Elevator Music 16 2 Goodwill, 3 Relaxation, 1 Muse 10 20
Play Electronica 17 2 Groove, 2 Metronome, 2 Muse 6 & 9 actions 21
Play Synth Pop Song 18 1 Groove, 3 Muse, 3 Goodwill 5 & 8 actions 22
Play Stadium Rock Sock 20 3 Sheet Music, 3 Muse, 3 Amplifier 8, 12 & 16 actions 23
Play Keyboard Rock Song 23 3 Sheet Music, 5 Amplifier, 6 Muse 8, 16 & 24 actions 24

名称 Liebefunkenmann SS-30
費用&Lv 900 Simoleons - Lv15
設置材料 6 Muse, 7 Goodwill, 1 Metronome
Drop Muse, Metronome, Sheet Music, Groove
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Compose Pop Remix - - 10 actions 17
Compose Rap Beat 17 9 Muse 10 actions 18
Compose Mashup 18 2 Muse, 3 Mixing Bowl, 6 Metronome 10 actions 19
Compose Trance Track 20 3 Dreams, 1 Metronome, 2 Muse 12 actions 20
Compose Drum and Bass Track 25 5 Groove, 3 Phat Beats, 3 Muse 10 & 14 actions 20
Compose Ambient Track 28 5 Muse, 2 Relaxation, 2 Dreams 12 & 16 actions 22
Compose Techno Track 32 4 Sound Samples, 4 Groove, 6 Muse 15 & 21 actions 23
Compose Industrial Track 35 9 Nails, 3 Phat Beat, 7 Muse 12 & 20 actions 24
Compose House Track 40 5 Groove, 3 Phat Beat, 3 Metronome 15, 21 & 24 actions 25
Compose Pop Song 45 6 Groove, 12 Muse, 4 Cheese 16, 24 & 28 actions 26

名称 Old Faithful
費用&Lv 59 SimCash - Lv30
設置材料 -
Drop ?
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Practice Piano Scales - - 5 25
Practice Piano Chords 35 3 Metronome, 10 Muze 10 actions 26
Play Classical Melody 45 8 Metronome, 15 Sheet Music, 6 Muse 15 actions 27
Practice Arpeggios 54 3 Metronome, 6 Muse, 5 Plans 15 & 18 actions 28
Play Chorale 67 4 Metronome, 2 Goodwill, 3 Conductor’s Baton 12 & actions 29
Play Piano Etude 70 5 Metronome, 9 Muse, 7 Sheet Music 16 & ?actions 30
Play Advanced Piano Etude 73 13 Muse, 2 Buzz, 2 Goodwill 10 & ?actions 31
Play Basic Rock Arrangement 76 4 Metronome, 3 Amplifier, 2 Fury ? ?
Play Ragtime Song 80 4 Metronome, 3 Entertainment, 2 Goodwill ? ?
Play 12 Bar Blues 95 ? ? ?

名称 PluckMeister Ltd Edition
費用&Lv 1000 Simoleons - Lv30
設置材料 6 Muse, 6 Love, 8 Fury, 3 Groove
Drop Muse, Amplifier, Guitar Pick, Guitar String, Metronome
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Practice Basic Guitar Chords - - 9 actions 19
Play Children’s Song 31 2 Guitar Pick, 12 Muse, 12 Sheet Music 15 actions 20
Play Acoustic Rock Song 32 3 Guitar String, 3 Groove, 2 Muse 16 actions 21
Play Country Song 33 4 Muse, 3 Fury, 1 Leftovers 8 actions 22
Play Blues Song 35 3 Relaxation, 4 Dreams, 2 Muse 15 & 21 actions 23
Play Pop Song 37 5 Guitar Pick, 2 Cheese, 4 Sheet Music 16 & 20 actions 24
Play Jazz Song 40 3 Sheet Music, 3 Relaxation, 2 Dreams 12 & actions 25
Play Bluegrass Song 43 6 Muse, 7 Guitar Strings, 3 Goodwill 10, & actions 26
Compose Children’s Song 50 4 Metronome, 4 Soft Pillow, 4 Goodwill 9, 12 & 15 actions 27
Compose Fold Song 75 8 Muse, 5 Love, 6 Guitar Strings 16, 20 & 24 actions 28

名称 Key-Note
費用&Lv 4000 Simoleons - Lv42
設置材料 10 Muse, 5 Love, 5 Fury, 3 Metronome
Drop Muse, Metronome, Sheet Music, Groove
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Compose Honkey Tonk Song - - 10 actions 24
Compose New Age Song 43 4 Dreams, 8 Muse 14 actions 25
Compose RnB Song 45 5 Phat Beat, 9 Amplifier, 3 Groove 15 actions 26
Compose Lounge Song 47 4 Muse, 4 Bling, 3 Relaxation 14 & 16 actions 27
Compose Rock Ballad 50 5 Groove, 3 Fury, 4 Amplifier 12 & 14 actions 26
Compose Piano Bar Song 55 6 Muse, 4 Bling, 4 Relaxation 13 & 18 actions 27
Compose Easy Listening Song 60 3 Soft Pillow, 5 Relaxation, 8 Muse 12 & 16 actions 28
Compose Jazz Fusion Song 65 5 Metronome, 7 Groove, 2 Mixing Bowl ? 30
Compose Keyboard Rock Song 75 75 ? 5 Metronome, 4 Cheese, 5 Amplifier ? 32
Compose Disco Anthem 85 ? ? 33

名称 Chimeway Emperor
費用&Lv 35000 Simoleons
設置材料 ?
Drop Muse, Metronome, Sheet Music, Groove
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
When a Sim Loves a Sim ? ? 10? 21
Your Sim ? ? 15? 22
Forgettable ? ? 30? 22
Careless Ninja ? ? 45? 23
Some-Sim ? ? 40? 23
You're the Sim that I want ? ? 55? 24
Lazy for you ? ? 60? 24
Nothing Compares to WooHoo ? ? 60? 25
The Sim beneath my Sims ? ? 60? 25
The Power of WooHoo ? ? 55? 26

名称 Rektek Karaoke Machine
費用&Lv 35000(xmasのみ10000)Simoleons
設置材料 4 Cheer, 10 Gold Star, 10 Entartainment, 15 Muse, 15 Groove
Drop Muse, Groove, Metronome
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Simmer Nights ? - 8 20
Woohoo Snack ? 4 amplifier, 3 entertainment 12 22
Simoleon Rhapsody ? 4 metronome, 4 chord 38? 24
I Kissed a Sim ? 5 muse, 4 sound sample 23? 24
Littlehaven, Littlehaven ? 4 phat beat, 2 relaxation, 4 dream 45? 28
Cant get no Sim Interaction ? 6 groove, 2 conductors baton, 4 plans 40? 28
Inspired State of Mind ? 6 chord, 6 bling, 2buzz, 2 love, 60? 30
With a Littlehaven from my friends ? 6 sound sample, 4 hope, 6 cheese, 4 fury 50? 30
Sims just wanna have fun ? 8 amplifier, 6 entertainment, 6 muse, 6 goodwill 50? 32
ing me softly ? 8 metronome, staff paper, 6 phat beat, 8 groove 60 32

名称 Moore and Woode Grand Piano
費用&Lv 40000
設置材料 -
Drop Muse, Groove, Sheet Music, Metronome
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Tiny Toms Lullaby ? 4 Metronome, 3 Muse 15 25
Music Hall intro ? 4 Metronome, 4 Amplifier 30 26
Nursery Rhyme ? 4 Metronome, 5 Entertainment 30 26
Classical Piece ? 5 Metronome, 6 Buzz 40 28
Music Hall Piece ? ? 40 28
Musical Comeday Piece 125 ? 40 28
Classical Concerto 130 ? 60 30
Classical Symphony 135 6 Metronome, 5 Chord, 5 Bling 60 30
Opera 140 8 Metronome, 4 Sound Sample, 6 Buzz, 5 Goodwill 60 35
Victorian Musical Medley 145 ? 60 35

名称 SimPhonic DJ Master Deck
費用&Lv 35000-Simoleons
設置材料 ?
Drop relaxation, buzz, entertainment, metronome, groove, muse, sheet music

タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Baby scratch - - 5 27
Forward & backward scratch ? 2 Phat Beat, 2 Sound Sample 15 27
Tear scratch ? 2 Amplifier, 3 Buzz 30 28
Scribble scrath ? 3 Muse, 3 Sheet Music 35 28
Chirp scratch ? 4 Love, 3 Relaxation 40 29
Hydrophonic scratch ? 5 Plans, 4 Phat Beat, 1 Metronome 40 30
Flare scratch ? 6 Fury, 5 Entertainment, 2 Buzz 60 31
Twiddle scratch ? 7 Groove, 6 Amplifier, 3 Metronome 60 32
Orbit scratch ? 8 Muse, 7 Buzz, 4 Sheet Music, 2 Alien Toy 60 33
Euro scratch ? 10 Goodwill, 8 Phat Beat, 5 Amplifier, 3 Staff Paper 60 34

名称 Chimeway Princess
費用&Lv 99 SimCash
設置材料 ?
Drop ?

タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬


名称 SimPhonic Keytar
費用&Lv 55 SimCash
設置材料 -
Drop ?
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬

名称 Smoothie's Saxaphone
費用&Lv 69 SimCash
設置材料 ?
Drop ?

名称 Limelight Mic Stand
費用&Lv 2500 Simoleons
設置材料 6 Light box, 8 Groove, 12 Sheet Music
Drop ?
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Warm up vocal chords ? - 10 20
Sing very sfotly ? 6 Goodwill, 5 Love, 4 Fury 20 22
Sing Carolina Boon ? 6 Muse, 4 Groove, 6 Sound Sample 20 24
Croon Simtemental Love ? 6 Metronome, 6 Chords, 6 Amplifier 30 26
Croon Simming on a Star ? 4 Music Mixes, 10 Entertainment, 6 Guitar Pick, 2 Love 15+15 28
Croon Gonna Misbehave ? 6 Cheese, 6 Phat Beat, 6 Ice, 6 Admiration 45 30
Croon Totally Forgettable ? 8 Fury, 6 Relaxation, 6 Dreams, 6 Goodwill 15+15+15 31
Croon Fry a Little Tenderness ? 10 Love, 6 Groove, 6 Amplifier, 6 Sound Sample 15+15+15 32
Croon Boo Boo Boo ? 10 Plans, 3 Hope, 8 Sheet Music, 10 Muse 15+15+15 33
Sing The Sim Blues ? 10 Chord, 8 Fury, 6 Staff Paper, 15 Cheese 20+20+20 34

名称 Fearless Snake Charming Kit
費用&Lv 7500 Simoleons
設置材料 5 Relaxation, 10 Entertainment, 3 Hope, 8 Metronome, 10 Sheet Music
Drop Plan
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Snake on me - - 5 20
Can't Snake Any More 上スキル完了 5+5 22
Venom Feeling Blue 上スキル完了 5 Muse, 3 Blue Pencil 10+10 24
It Started With A Hiss 上スキル完了 6 Love, 5 Groove 10+10 26
A White Shade Of Scale 上スキル完了 5 Chord, 5 Plans 10+10 28
Snake On The Water 上スキル完了 5 Groove, 4 Water Bottle, 4 Ice 10+10+10 30
I Don't Like Mongreese 上スキル完了 6 Entertainment, 8 Sound Sample, 5 Plot Twist 15+15+15 32
Snake, Rattle And Roll 上スキル完了 7 Music Mixes, 6 Phat Beat, 6 Entertainment 15+15+15 33
A View To A Coil 上スキル完了 19 Sound Sample, 7 Groove, 8 Amplifier, 6 Entertainment 15+15+15 34
Snake It Easy 上スキル完了 6 Hype, 7 Chord, 10 Relaxation,6 Hope 20+20+20 35

名称 Leopold's Lute
費用&Lv イベント報酬
設置材料 -
Drop DropMaterial
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Learn lute keys - - 10 30
Learn romancing with lute ? 6 Goodwill, 5 Love, 4 Fury 10+10 32
Bard exams! ? 6 Muse, 4 Groove, 6 Sound Sample 10+10 34
Play lute's like rain ? 6 Metronome, 6 Chord, 6 Amplifier 15+15 36
Play a lotta lute-ing going on ? 4 Sheet Music, 8 Entertainment, 6 Guitar Pick, 2 love 15+15 37
Play Lute's like a lady ? 6 Cheese, 6 Phat Beat, 8 Ice, 6 Bling 15+15+15 38
Play I'm Bard! ? 8 Fury, 6 Relaxation, 8 Dream, 6 Goodwill 15+15+15 39
Play Lute into my eyes ? 3 Conductor's Baton, 8 Groove, 8 Metronome, 8 Sound Sample 15+15+15 40
Play I will always lute you ? 8 Plan, 6 Hope, 8 Sheet Music, 8 Muse 15+15+15 40
Play I've got a whole lute of love ? 10 Chord, 8 Fury, 10 Staff Paper, 10 Cheese 20+20+20 42

名称 Grabit 500 Mic and Stand
費用&Lv Career報酬
設置材料 -
Drop ?
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
It's Raining Sims - - ? ?
Sims Will Survive ? 3 Muse, 5 Love ? ?
Ooga Chakka ? 3 Entertainment, 5 Dream ? ?
Don't Stop Believing In The Sims ? 4 Plan, 5 Goodwill, 3 Muse ? ?
Sim-ply The Best ? 5 Admiration, 4 Metronome, 4 Culture ? ?
Littlehaven Dreamin' ? 5 Metronome, 3 Dream, 2 Groove ? ?
Social Games Killed The Videogame Star ? 5 Chord, 4 Buzz, 6 Fury, 3 Muse ? ?
I Wanna Dance With A Sim ? 7 Love, 6 Music Mixes, 2 Bling, 2 Groove ? ?
Sweet Home Littlehaven ? 7 Phat Beat, 5 Sheet Music, 5 Sound Sample, 3 Love ? ?
All Simmed Up ? 7 Esteem, 5 Muse, 5 Chord, 5 Hype ? ?

名称 Simphonic Electric Guitar
費用&Lv Career報酬(Rockster Promotion3-3)
設置材料 None
Drop ?
タイトル 最低Lv 解放アイテム 消費エネルギー 報酬
Sweet Sim of Mine - - ? ?
PlumBob Blues ? 3 Muse, 4 Culture ? ?
Stairway To Littlehaven ? 3 Dream, 6 love ? ?
Hotel Littlehaven ? 4 Guitar String, 5 Admiration ? ?
Sultans Of Sim ? 5 Sheet Music, 6 Buzz, 4 Entertainment ? ?
Littlehaven Dreamin' ? 5 Music Mixes, 3 Sheet Music, 5 Dream ? ?
Sim-Ball Wizard ? 5 Sound Sample, 4 Metronome ? ?
You Woohooed Me All Night Long ? 12 love, 6 Admiration, 6 Buzz ? ?
Sim-Pathy For The Llama ? 7 Guitar String, 5 Amplifier, 5 Muse, 4 Bling ? ?
Sims in White Satin ? 7 Guitar Pick, 9 Bling, 5 Guitar String ? ?

名称 Parsley's Classic Guitar
費用&Lv 69 Simcash
設置材料 ?
Drop ?


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